Our Community

To make a change in our community, we must lead the way. Black Crown Media seeks to educate, inspire, empower, and pay it forward through various initiatives and programs.

#DontForgetYourBlackCrown Grant Program

As a company, we have a social responsibility to aid the communities and people we are trying to represent. As a response to the numerous catastrophes in 2020, we created a grant that combines our video production services, video training, our digital marketing services, and training under one umbrella. 


Media Jedi Fellowship

Most entry-level production assistant jobs require a minimum of 3 years of experience and a college degree. We aim to tear down the barriers to access by nurturing upcoming talent in hopes of helping them secure high-paying jobs in the future.

This four-year fellowship offers young adults a chance to break into the video production industry in four stages: Younglings (unpaid intern), Padawans (paid intern), Jedi Knights (freelancer), and Jedi Masters (job offer or contractor position).


Black Crown U

The Black Crown Media offices not only serve as our workstations but double as a space to provide educational resources to local businesses. Knowledge is power. To tip the balance, we will offer weekly low to no-cost workshops hosted by experts in verticals to cover topics such as branding, content marketing, video production, finance, business formation, and more.


CRWN Builders

We believe in building and growing our community. One way we plan to do this is by hosting an annual event for aspiring and current entrepreneurs to network and connect with service providers to assist with starting, scaling, or restructuring their businesses.

We also continually inspire and educate online by crafting edutainment content in the form of podcasts, Instagram Lives, YouTube content, and more. 


Ready to get started?

Let's work


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